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College of Sericulture, Chintamani

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About us

It was Her Excellency Maharani Kempa Nanjammanni Vani Vilasa Sannidhi the Regent of Mysore in 1899 who donated 30 acres of land for Experimental Agricultural Station at Hebbal and appointed Dr Lehmann, German Scientist to initiate research on soil crop response with Laboratory in the Directorate of Agriculture. Later in 1906, Dr Leslie Coleman, Canadian Entolomologist and Mycologist who succeeded Dr Lehmann and served with missionary zeal for 25 years. This Experimental Station was allotted 202 acres with 30 acres of wetland, receiving rainfall of 808 mm later. In 1913, Sir M Vishveshwaraiah, the then Diwan of Mysore (1912-1919) played the key role in establishing the Mysore Agriculture residential School at Hebbal in 1913 and appointed Dr Leslie Coleman, the first Director of Agriculture, Mysore to head this School to offer Licentiate in Agriculture for 15 students annually. In 1946: Mr MA Srinivasan, Minister of Agriculture, took initiative to establish Agriculture College, Hebbal, for offering four year professional degree program in Agriculture affiliated to the University of Mysore. In 1956, Sri Kengal Hanumanthaiah, the Chief Minister, decided to construct a new building for Agriculture College, and laid the Foundation Stone on 25/Jan/1956. In 1961, GOI constituted Agricultural University Committee headed by Dr Ralph Cummings of Rockefeller Foundation. The Committee visited Hebbal Bangalore in June 1961 and submitted a favorable report for formation of Agricultural University at Hebbal. In 1963, Government of Mysore headed by Sri S Nijalingappa, CM, in April decided to establish UAS along the lines of Land Grant College system of USA and passed the University of Agricultural Sciences Bill (Act No. 22) which received assent of the President of India on 25th May 1963 to become the Law. The CM granted 1300 acres to Gandhi Krishi Vigjana Kendra Campus. In 1964, Government appointed Dr KC Naik, MSc, Ph.D (Bristol) working with USAID as the first Vice Chancellor on 12th June 1964.

Courses Offered



Location & Contacts

College of Sericulture – Chinthamani SH5, Kolar – Chintamani Rd, Kurboor, Karnataka 563125