Admission Counselling

The University of Agricultural Sciences-Bangalore (UAS-B)

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About us

University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, a premier institution of agricultural education and research in the country, began as a small agricultural research farm in 1899 on 30 acres of land donated by Her Excellency Maharani Kempa Nanjammanni Vani Vilasa Sannidhiyavaru, the Regent of Mysore and appointed Dr. Lehmann, German Scientist to initiate research on soil crop response with a Laboratory in the Directorate of Agriculture. Later under the initiative of the Dewan of Mysore Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah, the Mysore Agriculture Residential School was established in 1913 at Hebbal which offered Licentiate in Agriculture and later offered a diploma programme in agriculture during 1920.


Courses Offered



Location & Contacts

University of Agricultural Sciences
Naik Bhavan, GANDHI KRISHI VIGNANA KENDRA, Vignana Kendra,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560065